Special Requests & Wait Listing

One of the valuable services Zycon Models offers our customers is locating out-of-production models that are no longer offered for sale through normal channels. If you desire to purchase a complete Classic Construction Models Caterpillar 12 piece construction model set, individual pieces from the 12 piece set, Zycon Models' two limited edition water trucks based on the CCM Caterpillar 777D and D250E, or a model you're having trouble locating, we'll be glad to add your request to our list. We will notify you as items become available on the secondary market.

To have your name and request added to our database, send an e-mail to Dan Goins at:


Please be sure to specify the model(s) you're looking for and as much specific information about them as possible.

Contact Information:

Phone: 972-252-0866
Fax: 972-252-4716
e-bay seller ID: dgoins187@aol.com